Solidarity with American workers

Jul 21, 2009 14:14

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)

"More than 77 percent of Americans support strong laws that give employees the freedom to make their own choice about whether to have a union in the workplace without corporate interference. Allowing working women and men to choose for themselves is the key step toward rebuilding America's middle class, allowing union membership that brings better wages and benefits and a voice on the job.

"However, the legislation has to pass through the House of Representatives and the Senate before he can sign it into law, and some employers are mounting a fierce campaign against it (one of them even said - honestly, he did - that EFCA was 'a firestorm bordering on Armageddon'[1]!) Most of these employers (except Wal-Mart) aren't coming out publicly, but using front organisations to oppose the Act."

I might have known Wal-Mart wouldn't like it - and remember they operate in the UK under the name Asda, having bought the Asda name.

work, politics, union

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