Mar 30, 2010 12:00
San Diego, Humboldt, Santa Barbara
Napa, cities and sticks
Ocean's warm and freezing waters
Up and down the coast
Hiking in the Redwoods
Camp cliffs that turn to dunes
A lost friend in Tiburon
True love found in the San Francisco Bay
Against a fireworks sky
On a yacht on route to Angel Island
On the beach at Icehouse Lake
California Blue Sky
In all it's glory
Like a flower dome
Frames a little smokestack tugboat, chugging quietly in the distance
And shelters a whisper behind a hill, melting in the heat
The aroma of the trees
Birch, pine, evergreens
The way the sycamore wilts & cries
A mellow, quiet hum
Drooping down lazily over the side of the freeway
Waving a sleepy branch at us as we drive by
The birds fly over the wetlands
In a clear sky
Over the swelling, splitting mountainside