Fandom (and how @davidarchie kinda ruined my night)

Apr 19, 2010 01:19

I will admit, it seems odd right now for me to make an AI post. I've been away from that fandom in its entirety for more than a few months. I have no idea who Adam is hooking up with, or Ryan apparently lost his mind. But I still use twitter, and to some degree LJ. So when I logged on to tweet something stupid today I didn't expect to see the upset, ~srs business~ tweets from old fandom friends. So I investigated.

And my reaction? I wasn't shocked. I knew where his religion stood, and that he's a strong believer. It was my only issue with being a fan of his at any point in time. Much like with Twilight, I don't like my money going towards a group that has done bad things to people of my faith and my "lifestyle". (I hate that word sofaking much).  But he was sweet, and seemed to be very peaceful and genuine. And I don't doubt that he is all those things. But his words hurt. I refuse to argue his intent, we don't know it - we're not him. What I know is that what he said, sounds exactly like words I've heard from other people. Classmates, and "friends" who don't want to be associated with anything "wrong" or "immoral". Like me. Like my family.  So yes I'm offended by what he said, and how I read it.

sellaturcica said it much better than me.

" 1) I think it's gross that he felt he had to explain himself in the first place. I wish he could just live his life & not apologize.
2) You can say hurtful words without intending them as such, but that doesn't negate the harm done, or invalidate the perception of harm.
3) Youth, limited life experience, religious background, upbringing, people's expectations are all valid explanations, but not excuses
4) Words can be homophobic even if the person using them isn't themselves a homophobe.
5) Devil's advocate re: this is abt the club itself, Archie's played at casinos & never felt the need to defend his proximity to gambling. "

rant, ramble

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