Hey Everybody~ This is a Super Junior fic based around Hankyung's leaving and suing to end his contract with SM, and how the members found out and the story behind it all. This 1st chapter is short, but next chapter will be longer, I promise! I hope you like it!
A Long Journey
Chapter 1
Eunhyuk sighed as he left Sukira, Eeteuk next to him on the phone as they walked to their cars, he had a lot on his mind. It had been a hard few months with first Kibum deciding he would rather focus on his dramas than sing with the group and then Kangin getting into a fight before receiving a DUI for a drunken hit and run.
All the members had been working their hardest to still give the fans Super Junior, even if it was 11 instead of 13. They had to show that they could still work with people gone and that they still had the same sound, same feel and would still appeal to the audience as they did before.
Every member could feel the strain working with two less members. There was not a person in the group who was truly happy. He could see a sadness in Eeteuk’s eyes. He missed Kangin who was his closest friend in the group and was as confused as they all were about Kibum deciding to leave them for his dramas. He wasn’t sure how they would make it if something else happened. Hankyung had gone on a vacation as he was overworked from the stress they’d been put under. Eunhyuk hoped he would be back soon. He’d taken off without a word 4 months ago and Eunhyuk knew Heechul and Siwon were worried; they all were.
Eunhyuk was broken out of his musings as Eeteuk closed his phone.
“What was that about hyung?” he asked as they walked to the small parking garage.
“I need to go into S.M., that was Lee Soo Man and he said I need to come to discuss an urgent matter, I don’t know what about.” Leeteuk said quietly.
“Do you want me to go with you Hyung?”
“No, I’ll just head over there now and meet you at home later, I’ll be fine.”
“Okay if you’re sure hyung, I’ll see you later then.” Eunhyuk said with a smile before pulling Eeteuk into a quick hug.
“Thanks, bye Hyukkie.” Eeteuk said before walking over to his car in the small parking garage, Eunhyuk doing the same, his eyes following Eeteuk as he got in his car.
Unlocking the car, Eunhyuk jumped in and headed for home.