Lengthy Days and Nights

Jul 05, 2005 23:07

Wow, so the past two days have been great!
However, for some reason, the very very ends of the past two long days have been absolutely aweful. Don't you hate how a few wrong turns at the end of a day can lead to a total discoloration of a great day?
Just to Re-cap:
The Fourth of July- Pizza Pic Nic and Fireworks on the Charles with lots of buddies was awesome :D Also, jumping on random stretches of tar in front of millions of Bostonians was equally rewarding. Puke and crowded subways was not :( Especially after they led to getting home at 1:15AM when I had to wake up at 7:15.

Today- First Day at BIP and my marathon babysitting were awesome. Especially, going to the Bagel Store and seeing Sara McTighe working there (and getting my bagel sandwich and much-needed iced coffee), as well as being offered the car of the people I babysit for in which to drive home :D :D Getting flipped out on by my parents as a result (you're not insured for that....what if you got in an accident...they'll get a parking ticket....yadayadayada.....) was not:( Especially after being exhausted (from the previous night) and defeated, having to drive it all the way back.

Tomorrow, I'm in for a better day- I just know it!! (beginning, middle, and end)

Thanks for reading this if you did...I'll post fun pics in my next entry as a reward :P

<3 Elle
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