Her last first day of school

Aug 31, 2007 07:44

Its not quite the same as that first "first day of school" when I was all teary at how fast she'd grown up, and how I couldn't believe my baby was ready for school. But its eerily similar. I might never have thought much about it today, if not for the adorable pictures a friend posted last night about her nephew's first day of kindergarten. I shared them with Trish and we chuckled at the cuteness, and I teased "Hey, can I take your picture tomorrow on your first day of school as a senior and post them on my lj?"
"No Mum"
"Oh wait, that's right! I paid $150 dollars yesterday to have you portraits taken."
and the morning sure went a lot different too.
Instead of sporting a shiny new backpack and pencil case with the box of crayons all in pristine shape it was…
Mum, you up? would you make enough coffee for me too, and can I take the new car? 
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