Aug 12, 2008 12:45

I'm all alone...


The whole entire office is gone to some meeting and, once again, I'm the only one here. At least this time they left me an iPod to listen to. With good music! I think it's Niku san's. Fortunately, they won't be gone forever, like they were during SC2. I spent 2 days alone that week! It wasn't fun. Now I only have to spend one day alone. And Ananth actually gave me my check before he left! Ain't that nice of him?

Anywho, I just thought I'd kill some time inbetween making phone calls.

Ooh! I have something to mention that I forgot about... Last Friday, one of the top sales reps of the past came back for a visit, and to "work". We'll call him Rudino san. All I can say is: ... what a douchebag! DX Toni chan and I were in the office, trying to get some work done and Rudino san's blasting techno music from the computer that he pilfered, and just being retarded. On more than one occasion I had to ask him to turn that poo down! He just barely listened. It got to the point where he couldn't even hear Toni chan over the speakers. But he just turned them down for the duration of what he had to say, then started blasting them again. Ass. -_-

At one point, Rudino san had some breath spray sitting on his desk and Toni chan was like, "Dude, could you pass me that spray, bro?" And Rudino san chucks it at him, it goes hurling past his head and slams into the wall behind him.
"Learn how to catch, dude," he simply said.
"Throw it to me next time," Toni chan retorted, aggrivation in his tone.
What a douchebag! >_<

So then, Rudino san's like messing with the service call pink slips and whatnot, and he's, like, putting them all over poor Toni chan, and he's like "Cut it out, bro!" And then Rudino san starts commenting on how much cooler Niku san's nick name is than Toni chan's. He's all like, "Pain Train's so much cooler than Walking Eagle..." I just wanted to say "Hey! Leave my brother-in-law alone, you big douche!" Again... what a douchebag! If Toni chan didn't wanna punch this kid in the face, I sure as hell did! I've seen Toni chan flustered, stressed, or maybe even a little down, but I've never seen him pissed off really, until Rudino san came around. What. A. Douche.

At some point I was begining to wonder how he became a top sales rep. I think his demos must go a little something like:
"Mrs. Jones, buy these knives." (botherbotherbother)
"Well, I don't know..."
"Buy the knives, Mrs. Jones!" (pokepokepoke)
XD"Buy the knives, Mrs. Jones!" XD
"Alright, alright! Don't get so pushy!" -_-

Wheras on the other hand, here's my theory on how Niku san and Toni chan became top reps:
"Oh, hello, Mrs. Jones..." :3
"Hi! Of course I'll buy the ultimate set! I'll take two! XD You're so cute and charming!"
"... ^_^;..."

Well, I think that's it for today. My rantings at work.

Ciao! =3
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