Jul 08, 2007 06:00
Why am I so unlucky? Why, God? Why me?
It feels like the world just wants to take a big crap on me for the past couple of months. Fate has decided to play mean practical jokes on me this year. Like, I finally meet a wonderful guy, and a week later he moves to flippin' Tennessee! Talk about bad luck!
I got my car in January, right? only to find that it had ALL these problems. And everyone's been telling me "Oh, but Hondas are supposed to be so reliable!" The first week I drive the thing, I get into a collision IN A PARKING LOT! How lame is that? Since then, my luck with the car has gone steadily downhill. Had to get the radiator replaced, had to get a new battery, I had to get the brakes fixed; I practically had to overhaul the thing, and I STILL haven't had the dent from the collision repaired because Progressive REFUSES to let me borrow a rental car because I'm not 21 or some crazy shit like that. WTF is that all about?
Well, now there's a new problem. My car alarm has gone completely crazy. I set the alarm like I normally do, only now it starts going off for absolutely no apparent reason. It just starts freaking out every five seconds! It started when I came to WPB for a few days for the 4th. I have to come out and make it stop for fear of getting kicked out of my development with noise complaints! I have no idea WTF is going on with it. I now have to lock my car manually, which disengages the alarm. That's the only way it won't go haywire on me. What a load of crap! Has anyone ever heard of that happening? Hence, here I am, mad as hell, awakened by the stupid car alarm at 5:00 in the morning, and just upset enough to not be able to sleep unless I blog about it. ::tsh::
Oh, and to top it all off, the VERY DAY it stops raining, a bird uses my car for a toilet. TWICE! Oh, the cruel irony of it all!
Make it stop!