May 18, 2004 08:09
Sooo me and Juice are writing a new song. He wrote the music and I wrote the lyrics....we are working on the chorus and stuff but so far it's really good... we harmonize pretty good so its cool....yesterday we saw the movie, Troy. Brad pitt and Orlando Bloom are damn fine (sorry NIck! I love you!haha) BUt seriously though even Juice couldn't decide who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. But it was really a good movie, if you liked the gladiator and Bravheart you'll like this movie too.
Last night at work a new girl was supposed to come in and I was going to train her but she never showed up..two of my bosses called her and left messages on her cell and still no answer...weird, not a good first impression. But oh well, I ended up not having that much to do so it was cool and we got out at 10:30 which was saaaweeet compared to last week getting out at midnight. Another thing that was kind of funny was that I was wearing my "Ilove NY" shirt that my mom got me when her and mark went to NewYork and these two ladies thought I was from there and started dissing on Derek Jeter....yea I love the redsox thankyou haha.
Today I think I'm going to chill with Kristen and some Wakefieldian girlies because they are being rebels and skipping school! Oh the horror! haha...Afta that I dont know when Nick is coming ova but his away message says "lex I'll see you when I wake up :-)" Which I dont know when hes going to wake up but maybe he'll be here at like 4 because thats usually when he gets here. We are going to Nanna's for dinner and she's having a late B-day party for me and Dad's going to be there and yea I haven't really talked to him since our "fight" so it'll be weird. But I'm glad Nick will be there for support haha because I'd prob give Dad the silent treatment the whole time...but considering Nick is coming , he just makes me feel at ease and better and yea I dunno...hopefully it wont be too much of a disaster but I have my doubts...
Well I'm out ...lata dudes