Title: Bake Yo Own mudda Fuckin Cake
lexicalwonder Fandom: True Blood
Rating: pg13 (Swearing)
Characters: Eric/Lafayette
Word Count: 200
Summary: Eric tries a new enterprise! This is crack in the form of a short fic
Author's notes: Just a silly thought I had while writing a different fic.
If Eric was anything (apart from a Vampire of course) he was a business man. The phrase people used when speaking of Eric was ‘Everything he touches turns to gold’. To tell you the truth, Lafayette was rather thankful that it was only a phrase. He could do without a rhinestone encrusted scrotum.
It wasn’t a shock when Eric dipped his money making hands into the local media to acquire his very own TV channel.
The shock was the lineup he had planned.
One big hit was ‘Embroidery after dark’ hosted by none other than Pam. Or ‘The stitching undead’, as her fans of an Emo persuasion liked to called her.
Another was ‘Telepathy Today with Sookie Stackhouse’.
The cannels biggest hit however was ‘Bake yo own Muddah fuckin’ cake’.
Soon after the pilot, Lafayette’s recipes where flooding the web: Trending on Twitter, busting up bebo and he even had a facebook fan page.
He was a celebrity.
With brilliant catchphrases such as “Margarine? Hookah Please!” and “Whisk yo egg, bitch” Who wouldn’t be?
But when your co host is your 6’3” sexy, blond, vampire, Viking boyfriend. Who wears nothing but an apron. Your ratings are bound to be good.