This weather is killing me

Jul 21, 2010 15:08

It is the end of July. It is MY BIRTHDAY. Growing up with a July birthday, I knew the trade-off: I never got to bring cupcakes to school for an in-class birthday party, but I always got good weather on my birthday.

And today it is sub-60 (I don't care what Accuweather says, there's no way it's 60F outside right now) and overcast.

This weather is just draining me. These days where it's overcast until noon... one pm... three pm... it's like trying to function on 60% power.

I love Oakland. I've lived here for 18 years, which is longer than I've ever lived anywhere (ah, the joys of having divorced parents). This is my home. This is my back yard. These are the places I know and love and feel comfortable in - even many of the sketchy ones. I don't want to leave.

But when you factor together the stratospheric cost of living, the mindnumbing crime and violence, the if-there's-a-way-to-shoot-ourselves-in-the-foot-Oakland-will-find-it local politics, and this grey, exhausting, draining weather...

I love Oakland. I don't want to leave. But I don't currently see how I can stay.

Just typing this makes me feel like I'm about to cry.

Pirate and I have been looking in the direction of the Davis/Sacramento area for a while. When I was in high school, I couldn't get out of Chico fast enough. These days, the valley is sounding pretty good.

Oh, look, it's 86 degrees and sunny in Davis today. *wistful sigh*

weather, oakland

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