When I saw this headline, my first thought was "That's got to be from the Onion, right? Right?"
It is not.
U.S. soldier Joshua Tabor waterboards his daughter, 4, because she couldn't recite alphabet: police A GI waterboarded his 4-year-old daughter in their suburban Tacoma, Wash., home because she couldn't recite the alphabet, police reported.
Joshua Tabor, 27, allegedly admitted to police he used the torture technique because his daughter was terrified of water and he was furious she didn't know her ABCs.
Tabor was arrested Sunday and charged with assault of a child.
I do not have children and have never felt any noticeable desire for children. Neither
spiritualmonkey nor I think having children would be a good decision for us, so we've taken care not to accidentally conceive.
But I am having fantasies of finding this little girl and whisking her away: "C'mere, sweetie, we're going to get you into a life with people who will take care of you and treat you well." Yeah, we live in a small apartment in a sketchy neighborhood in a troubled city and don't have a lot of money. She'd still be better off with us.
Hoping very, very hard that Washington State's child protection agencies do the right thing and get this girl somewhere safe where she can heal both physically and emotionally.