This morning Laney was barking at something.
It turned out to be 2 kitties. both were really very cute. One was beautiful. One was hurt. I felt sorry for the poor thing.
So I went outside armed with a towel.. which it turns out i didn't really need. The kitty was very friendly and very nice. he was purring and being all cute so i scooped him up and took him inside. Lol. i don't know much about handling cats. I'm mostly scared of them. They seem to hate me for the most part.
Anyway, I brought Mr. Kitty inside. He was definitly a Mister and one of the strangest and cutest shaped cats ever. He had HUGE feet and short little legs and a very long body.. all nice and striped. He also had 6 toes on each foot.. or something.. they looked a bit deformed. Perhaps he is a special kitty and will bring me luck. He was very pretty though, with beautiful pale green eyes. His little friend was white and and brown witha grey patch on his forehead and ice blue eyes.
His poor ear though. It looked like something had bitten it and taken a chunk out of the side of his head. he was missing a bunch of fur there. And he was hungry, trying to eat Laneys food. I laughed. I gave him some food and water which he munched down right quick. And then i cleaned up his ear as best I could. It must've hurt because he kept shaking his head.. but a bunch of tissue, q-tips, and salt water later, he looked decent. And the good sport purred the whole way through :) What a nice kitty.
I almost wanted to keep him. But he was right scared of Laney (She was outside the whole time), he wasn't fixed, and I don't like cat stink.
And he shed a bunch.. and mom would've killed me if i brought a cat home for xmas. My parents both love laney, but a cat would be pushing it.
I would've named him Waffle.
Here are some pictures
He spilled some food on the floor!
Look at his poor little ear!
Such a pretty kitty!
I wish I could've done more for him.. but my fundage is limited. I wish I could've kept him.. but my life is about to change. What I did, though, made me feel really good.. and maybe I should ignore my education and open up an animal shelter.
Who knows?
♥ lexi