Whuddup gangstah?!

Apr 19, 2005 21:44


I like never update this thing do I?? Yeah, so today was pretty good. I had C lunch today where like 95% of my friends are, so thats good! lol Then track practice was alrite- didn't have a whole lot of energy today. Then team dinner- yummmy =] Then I got home and did homework and showered and what not. Yeah, good day =]

Coach is having me run the 800, the mile, and the 2 mile tomorrow! Ehhh- 3 races? I'm nervous. Praying for lightning tomorrow!!

So this weekend I'm not sure what I'm doing..
I think Friday I'm going to the movies w- Anthony- he INSISTS I go lol. Well I gotta get back at a decent hour cuz I have to wake up early for the LOVELY track meet on Saturday.
Saturday- Yes, probably track meet all day. Maybe I'll end up doing something with the team that nite?? Thats what I did last Saturday so IDK.
Sunday- I NEED to get to the mall. Either Lakeside or the Village cuz I gotta go to AE to return a shirt. Also.. me and Taylor and Alyssa were gonna get together and make DIRT CUPS! Cuz we were craving it today! lol

So yeah, we'll see.

Okay its short but whatever.

Pray for me and the meet 2morrow.


Comment or die.

<3-Alli Lynne
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