Apr 15, 2005 22:17
I'll start with yesterday-
Yesterday was the most freakin hectic day of the year! So I went to school to find that I had 4 tests the next day. Then track meet- home. Me and Jena had to run the mile race which was really cuttin it close. Oh on the mile I ran it in 6:07 ((1 SECOND PR!! lol)). Anyway, after my race we drove home, I changed in like a minute and didn't even get ready or anything, just re-put my hair up and after like 5 minutes we were off to Jena's house (with Louie)! So then we all drove to the Palace listening to Maroon 5 and the concert was AMAZING! OMGsh Adam is SOOOOOO FREAKIN HOT! And so is the drummer! OMGsh at the end the drummer sang ACDC! It was awesome! lol Yeah cool concert :) So then I got back at like 11:30 and stayed up till 2:30 doing homework and studying for my 4 tests.
So then today was pretty good! School was school. Practice was pretty fun. 30 minute easy run and baton handoffs! lol Yeeahh! Ugh.. I hate track. LOL but whatever- the only thing I hate about track is the meets. And the track itself. Ugh- hate it. I mean the 2 mile- 8 laps around the track? Rather run a 5k on a cross country course. lol So anyways, after track I went home, ate a peanutbutter and banana sandwich (=]) and got ready. Then Julia's mom picked me up and went to the Varsity soccer game at TH. We won! Woop woop! Good job girls! So yeah me and Julia and Taylor and Kaylee and some other girls just hung out there =] Then Thomas took me and Julia home and when I got home SARAH was over!!! Aka mommy's best friend and I babysit for her son. Well she was visiting from Kentucky so that was nice to see her =]
So yeah it's late and I gotta go to bed- invitational tomorrow in Ypsilanti. Woohoo! lol Yeah I'm running the 800 and the 1200- both races I have never raced before! lol
Okay well I'm outtie-
Comment please and thank you =]
x0- Alli Lynne