I am an escape game addict xD so of course, I frequent
EscapeGames24. Not everything they post is an escape game, though, and sometime some really cute puzzle games show up. And I just loved this one!
Copy Cat - A Painter's Puzzle Now, while I went through and solved them, some other people were asking for help. So I'm posting solutions behind a cut :) for anyone looking for them. Once I get them up, they'll be in white text so that you have to highlight to see them.
Level 1:
-Place circles, paint red.
Level 2:
-Paint blue.
-Place star.
-Paint yellow.
Level 3:
-Paint red.
-Place square and squiggle.
-Paint yellow.
Level 4:
-Paint blue, paint yellow.
-Place circle and X.
-Paint white.
Level 5:
-Place 4 circles, paint blue. Remove.
-Place 4 squares to cover the corners (cover the pieces that need to stay white!).
-Paint blue again.
Level 6:
-Paint red.
-Place X, paint blue.
-Remove X, place 3 squiggles.
-Paint yellow.
Level 7:
-Place bottom circle, paint blue.
-Move circle to middle, paint yellow.
-Move circle to top, paint red.
Level 8:
-Paint blue.
-Use two triangles, a square, and a squiggle to cover blue areas.
-Paint red. Remove stencils.
-Place square in middle, paint yellow.
Level 9:
-Paint blue, paint yellow.
-Place two circles near top and bottom. Paint red. Remove.
-Place 4 +s with a circle in the middle, paint white, blue, and red.
Level 10:
-Paint blue.
-Place triangle (to make the small blue point). Paint yellow.
-Place circle, paint white, paint yellow. Remove.
-Place middle triangle. Paint blue, paint red.
-Replace circle. Paint yellow.
Level 11:
-Paint blue, paint yellow.
-Place middle circle. Paint white, paint blue, paint red.
-Place circles for petals. Paint white, paint yellow.
Level 12:
-Place the X, paint yellow. Remove.
-Place the +, paint blue. Remove.
-Place two circles, paint red.
Level 13:
-Paint red.
-Use 3 squares across middle to block off red areas. Paint blue. Remove.
-Place 4 circles, paint yellow.
Level 14:
I actually messed this one up and ended with a green circle, but still managed 92%. Placement is KEY here.
-Place circle at bottom to block off white "Antarctica," paint blue, paint yellow.
-Place ovals to block off continents. Paint white, paint blue.
If you had the placement right, you'll have it. If not, you'll either need to play around with the shapes or start over (reset is in the bottom left corner).
Level 15:
-Block off the red circles, paint yellow. Remove.
-Block off the yellow circles, fill red. Remove.
-Block off the squares in the four corners, fill blue.
Level 16:
Another one with Key placement.
-I started with the right-most mushroom, then used it to line up the others.
-Paint blue. Place right-most mushroom (blue). Paint yellow.
-Place right-most overlapping mushroom (green) - About half of the stem should be overlapping. Paint white, paint blue.
-Repeat for middle mushroom, using right mushroom to line it up.
-Repeat for last, left-mist mushroom, using others to line up.
Level 17:
-Place circle, paint red. Remove
-Place triangle, paint blue.
-Use square to cover bottom half of circle, paint yellow. Remove.
-Replace circle. Paint white, paint red, paint blue.
Level 18:
My solution was very rough on this one.
-Paint blue.
-Place square and three triangles (line up the points). Paint red.
This should get you around 90-95% which clears the level.
Level 19:
-Paint yellow. Place square at bottom to block off trunk (line up with one side of the trunk).
-Paint blue. Place 3 triangles (I did top and bottom, then lined the middle one in between).
-Remove the square, paint red.
-Place a square to line up with the other side of the trunk. Paint blue.
Level 20:
-Paint yellow. Place 4-pointed star.
-Paint blue. Place bullseye.
-Paint white, paint blue, paint red. Place four asterisk-stars.
-Paint yellow.
Level 21:
This one is mostly placement.
-Paint red, place III symbol. Paint yellow.
-Use 4 stars, 3 III symbols, and 1 circle to block out the orange pattern.
-Paint blue.
Level 22:
-Place stars, paint yellow. Remove.
-Place squares on both sides (2 total), use the middle column's lines to line them up. Paint red. Remove.
-Place square in the middle, paint blue.
Level 23:
-Paint blue. Use triangles to block off blue half of both circles, paint red. Remove.
-Place circles. Paint white, then blue.
-Use triangles to block off the blue half of the picture. Paint yellow.
Level 24:
-Paint yellow, place 4 corner bullseyes. Paint blue. Remove all.
-Place 4 corner Xs, paint red.
That's actually enough to beat the level, if you line things up correctly xD
Level 25:
-Paint red. Place top-left and bottom-right squares. Paint blue. Remove.
-Use 1 circle and however many squares you need to cover all of the purple. Paint yellow.
Level 26:
-Place oval X oval across the middle. Paint red.
-Shift stencils up to cover top, paint blue.
-Shift stencils one more time to cover bottom, paint yellow.
Level 27:
I had to do this one three times because my alignment was off.
-Paint blue. Place left and right squares (you can place the star to help you line up the squares, but make sure to remove it again!).
-Paint yellow. Place the middle square, again using (and removing!) the star to help you line things up).
-Paint red. Place the star and bullseyes.
-Paint blue, paint red.
Level 28:
-Place 4 bullseyes, paint red. Remove.
-Place 4 ovals, paint yellow. Remove.
-Cover squiggles (I think 6?) Paint blue.
Level 29:
-Place top star, bottom III, and right oval. Paint blue. Remove.
-Place top oval, bottom star, and right III. Paint yellow. Remove.
-Place top III, bottom oval, and right star. Paint red.
Level 30:
-Place 4 circles, paint red.
-Place 5 triangles, remove circles. Paint blue.
-Remove triangles, use 5 squares to cover middle and corners. Paint yellow.