Nov 08, 2006 11:02
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
1) I love it when it rains. Its not that I dislike sunny days but everything just seems so calm and nice when it is raining.
2) (lol its funny how almost everyone else said this too) I love song lyrics and quotes. I used to keep a book of them, but i've since become lazy. I always have to know all the lyrics to the songs I like or i will not be happy. I love sying random quotes from tv, movies, etc and having no one understand what I'm talking about.
3) I love going out to eat. ( im with you on this one lori) Its pretty much what I do when i hang out with friends. I mean who DOESNT like to go out for a good meal? And there pretty much is nothing too exciting around here to do unless you want to go out drinking all night...which unfortunetly most of the time still means getting food as well :)
4) I hate calling people. I hate talking on the phone in general. I don't know why. I just hate it. I used 89 minutes last month on my cell phone :)
5) I dont really like people. People really disgust me. Dont get me wrong, there are amazing people in the world...but far too few. It's getting ridiculous the amount of stupid, arrogant, rude people we have in this world.
6) Im a cry baby. I cry at the littlest thing. I cry when im happy. I cry when im sad. I cry when i dont even know what emotion im feeling. Crying just seems to be the way i express how im feeling. And it gets really annoying :|
I think im the last person to do this, but if anyone hasnt go ahead, it will kill about 15 minutes lol