I feel sorry for my Japanese teacher. Haderal Sensie. He is like my fave teacher. He is really nice and good at what he does. But he is always getting in trouble for his students. He thinks he is a bad teacher. Which is bull if you haven't met him. He knows how to treat different people and how to teach them. He felt like it was his fault that two
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1 - Your Jess and friend in RL
2 - Random fallout boy songs...Ones I dont know the name of...soz and this
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Beckett. William Beckett. Mr Hipbones teehee
Because I'm too good for you haha, no joking. Um, because there's all this stuff I want to do taht I can't. And because, I can't do it here either. I dunno. this place is suffocating me, haha how emo.
Um. Too complicated for me to explain right now. I'll show you when we get back to school. Was it your usb btw?
...See it took me ALONG time to find the lyrics in english...
I'm glad it has nothing to do with...you know...us being annoying and all ^^'
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