Experimental Food Society, Dilwali & Two Temple Place

Nov 01, 2011 13:27

Two Saturdays ago we were blessed with a crisp blue autumn sky and I decided to take a long hike and do some shopping.
Next to going wild on chilli (my dad loves that stuff and you’d be amazed at the varieties you can get at Borough Market), I strolled down the river to the Globe/Tate Modern, made my way over the Millennium Bridge to Spitafields Market to enjoy the Experimental Food Society's exhibit (personally I loved the Dodo cake), got on a bus and headed to Covent Garden. Loads of sunshine, loads of presents and further ideas, yeah…

Oh and Gosh moved to Soho’s Berwick Street, in case someone’s interested. The day ended with tea at Yumchaa and a talk on cult films at the BFI.

Last Wednesday I managed to visit Neasden Temple for the second time on Dilwali: the Hindu light festival (a mixture between Thanksgiving & New Years Eve).

Isa and I visited the inside of the temple again, then hopped over to the food tent and supermarket for tea, veggie cuisine and (in my case) Indian sweets, before finding a good spot to watch the awesome fireworks display. This year’s theme literally seemed to be fire flowers (snigger Hanabi anyone?). The two sweets I bought were Kesar Mani (or Safron Jewels) and mixed fruit marzipan (see photo).

This Sunday I headed to the, newly open to the public, Two Temple Place. The wiki article has loads of lovely pictures of the fantastic staircase, but is slightly wrong. The original Dumas figures have been reinstated on the banisters.

The current exhibition focusing on Morris/Burne-Jones is also well worth seeing, especially the embroidered friezes from "Romance of the Rose". One wall was lined with the outside of the Garden (featuring the Vices) and the other showed the inside of the Garden (depicting the Virtues).
Oh and just for the heck of it, some more art I saw in galleries, on the street and some other places:

dilwali, exhibition, two temple place, london

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