This is one of those newfangled postdated entries people put in their journal to let you know that it's friends-only. The only reason this entry is here is to give you somewhere to comment if you'd like to ask me to add you. I'm friendly, honest! I just like to know who's able to read what I write, that's all.
I discovered something interesting while postdating this entry to make it appear at the top of my journal. It turns out that you can't enter a year greater than 2037 while posting an entry. It seems likely to me that this is because Livejournal's entry dates are subject to the
Unix Epoch. It's kind of like that old year 2000 problem, where some programs couldn't handle dates with years beyond 2000, but in this case, the magic year is 2038. Either LiveJournal will have to be fixed before that point or it'll suddenly grind to a halt. Our world's entire social communication infrastructure will crumble. Interesting.