Feb 20, 2008 04:20
I was watching Sony Pictures' documentation special on the things that has pretty much affected black America---and I have to agree with them on some issues. And there was one in particular that I didn't even know about.
25) Jheri curls (just let your SOUL GLOW--LOL)
24) Hurricane Katrina (because poor LA blacks will never be the same)
23) The N-Word (will it ever go away?)
22) Cointelpro (ended civil rights movement)
21) Elvis Presley (everyone knows this but it's not high priority or something we can change)
20) Negative Images in Hip Hop (self explanatory)
19) The Bling Phenomenon (it's disgusting to see people with tons of platinum, gold, and silver---but can't put gas in their tank--this goes with #20)
18) Welfare (why bother looking for a job when the government can't even re-shape the program to get people off gradually)
17) The Justice System/Prison (current slavery system)
16) Color struck (brown paper bag tests, bleaching, weaves, "I'm part cherokee", etc.)
15) Ward Connerly (ending affirmative action--and yes, I do think that it's needed)
14) The Supreme Court (not all decisions favor minorities but some have)
13) Ronald Reagan (the poor man was trying--)
12) The Bombing of Black Wall Street (there used to be black millionaires who weren't rappers or athletes???)
11) Soul Food (heart disease, high blood pressure but it's just so good--so why not eat and then just on the tread mill for 30 minutes--LOL)
10) Gangs (creates artificial families)
9) Hollywood (--not all black girls have long, silky hair and are skinny--and are light skinned)
8) The Murders of Malcolm & Martin (Martin inspired; Malcolm said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH)
7) Proud to be Dumb (but this applies to all)
6) The Ku Klux Klan
5) Apartheid (segregation)
4) Religion (prayer for prosperity, mega churches, division among all)
3) AIDS (one of the highest AIDS cases are black females)
2) Drugs (explore 80s crack/cocaine/heroin addiction, families destroyed)
1) Slavery (will we ever overcome?)
They failed to offer solutions or changes though.
It's so interesting because this Asian girl got upset with someone on myspace about posting this list--and said that BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO JUST GET OVER IT. ASIAN PEOPLE HAVE ENDURED ATROCITIES AS WELL BY THE HANDS OF WHITES AND HAVE MOVED ON. I replied that I don't think Asian people have "moved on" as much as they have just "glossed over." I would love to see an Asian History month. No one cares what they have invented or where they have come from--because they choose not to highlight it(even the Latinos got on the HISTORY MONTH boat). Most people don't know anything about their years of slavery mining in California, the "westernization" of China and Japan, building the railroads, their drug phenomenon, sex slavery, WWII encampment, injustices during war in their own countries forcing them to migrate here, etc. but it's because they are prideful people who don't want their history exposed. I'm sure that Asians have a lot to complain about--they just would rather be treated unfairly and/or marry into the Euro-American culture so that no one will know or care that they really haven't moved on but are probably ashamed. And they shouldn't be.