(no subject)

Oct 02, 2011 01:52

"Weak heroines."

Okay, nobody likes them. I get that, I really do. A weak heroine is whiny, a weak heroine is ravishingly beautiful but utterly helpless and can only wait to be rescued. And for a man to fall in love with her. And she's seen as a good person even if she doesn't do anything--good or bad.

I guess it just makes me wonder about the character I'm writing. Okay, I think I'm clear on the appearance front--she's cute in an awkward kind of way, a flat-chested teenager with an overbite, but not exactly hard to look at. The love interest? Maybe in the next book. Maybe. The boy who peels apart his sandwiches to lick out the jelly.

But it's really the question of weakness. I don't think of Cora as weak... but can I portray that? Can I communicate that to people who don't know how hard it can be just to get up in the morning?
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