A vid rec! I was pretty much blown away by this Kings vid:
Sit Down by the Fire by
sweetestdrain. Jaaaaaaack. *sob*
But all epic Biblical angst aside, how damn pretty was this show? So fricking gorgeous!
I definitely feel another rewatch coming on. Am still patiently waiting for those R2 dvds/blu-rays to appear, though. There comes a time in a fangirl's life when illegal downloads just won't cut it.
I got very excited when I noticed that
the Cinecittà studios in Rome are currently open for visitors. Usually the studios only accept groups of people on special reservation, but apparently this year is an exception. I really hope I'll have enough time to go there next week. It's not like I've ever visited any movie studio before, but this is the actual Cinecittà! They've shot films like Ben-Hur and Cleopatra there. And the Fellinis!
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