(no subject)

Jan 10, 2005 18:44

I was woken up at 9:30 by Daisy calling me... she was freaking out. She couldnt make it to work on time for some reason so I went to open the store. The mall opens at 10, and if security finds that Claires isnt open, we could get a large fine. So I jump out of bed at 9:40, take the fastest shower ever, throw on clothes and even blow dry my hair and sped to the mall and clocked in at 10:16.  Not bad right?

So instead of closing the store I got to leave early at 3. I made my time usefull and got an oil change.

I went to Miami yesterday to visit Jen and check out her new place. I feel bad for her because I know she is really nervous about everything and she doesnt feel comfortable where she is living. I wouldnt either.... She is in these apartments that are shared by students, and really poor Mexicans. Its right behind the projects... In a sense, Ive been sheltered, so has she and most of my friends, so its something she will get used to. I talked to Alex about it, and we both didnt get a bad vibe from the place, its just not the BEST of places. Hanging out with Jen last night brought back old memories of highschool. We went out to the park, and a very nice man gave us roses that he handmade out of palmfronds. The park was right on the bay, and she is really close to baywalk which is like an out door mall thats over the bridge. I brought my camera so we took a bunch of random pictures of us. It was like old times.. laughing at the stupid faces we made. We looked back on the funny memories of when we would smoke pot in my house and try not to get caught. One time we got the "bright" idea to smoke in the bathroom and blow the smoke out of the window, but that didnt work, and before we knew it, my mother was knocking on the door. One time I remember I lit 8 insence sticks and had a can of air freshener handy, and me jen and willy smoked in my room. My mom knocked on my door and by then we were so high. And shes like "honey why do you have so many lit? you could cause a fire" I remember looking back and willy and jen were trying not to laugh, and I was trying to be serious, but my mothers not stupid. She sooo knew what we were doing and she thought it was funny. Shes like "ohh are you guys smoking pot in here? hahahahaha" Normally she was cool with that stuff. All of my friends love my mom. . She always wants to adopt all of my close friends, like the ones who are like family. She'll say "Ohh Ive always wanted to have a son!" She adores Jen, and Jessica, she loved Joe (not sure why)  and she always wanted to take Dave into the family.

My dad has  made like a complete turn around, he is like a completly different person. When my parents got divorced I knew it was a really hard time for both of them. My dad was really bitter, and my mom was always crying, or angry about something. My sister and I always had to keep secrets from one parent to the other. Dont tell your father this.... dont tell your mother that.... It was a pain in the ass. After school I would have to go to some office and listen to my parents fight about piano lessons, or something about money, meanwhile I was so bored I just wanted to go home. It didnt get worse, until my dad moved away, and came to visit once a month. The worst part was seeing my dad drive away from our house and leave. My sister was run down the street sobbing, or she would sob on the stairs. Then I would start crying because it hurt me to see my sister so upset. And my mother would just bitch about how much of a asshole he was. I could understand why my dad left, to get away from all of the mess, but it caused damage. In the beginning I would always miss my dad and get upset when he left. But as the years passed I grew older and by then I didnt even spend time with him because I was in the teenage phase and all I wanted to go was be out with friends. My sister was always daddys girl anyway. But when he moved away, we would always fight about things, and he made me feel like such shit. I felt like he didnt love me and didnt think good of me. He put me down for alot of things or blamed me for things. So as a result, I was always trying to make him proud of me. Thats why my dad to this day has SOOO many of my paintings because over the years that was my way of trying to make him feel different about me. Now I realize why he was so bitter, and saying the things he said to me, because of the hard times of the divorce, and that he didnt mean it. It still doesnt justify what he did, but I understand better now. And I forgive him for everything because ever since he moved back, he's been there for me and my sister. He is a loving and caring dad, who is really proud of me because he has shown it.  I always said to myself, that if he really didnt care about me and my sister, he wouldnt drive all the way down from Georgia once a month to see us.

Jen Alex and I were talking about things people have said in their sleep.

My friends dad once was like "mmm cheeseburger"

Alex's friend Brendon once said in his sleep " I didnt put the dead hooker between the matches"

there was other funny ones but i cant remember.

But.....! Slipknot is coming to town in March so me Alex and Jen are going, and I think George and Roy are coming along too. Alex and Jen told me that Roy likes me, but I dont think anything will happen with that. Ive never instantly been attracted to a black guy before. I guess if I really got to know Roy and I really liked him overall as a person, than looks wouldnt matter as much. But I dont see it going anywhere.

Im in no mood to start dating anyone. I kind of want to be alone for a while. Im not in the mood of going out  somewhere and getting to know someone. Or waiting for that big feeling when you first kiss that person, just all of those nerves and excitment together, Im just not in the mood. But you all know me, I may say this now, and if the opportunity arrives, I would take it anyway, because the end result could be something wonderful.

Classes start tommorow. Ive got buisness, figure drawing, then macroeconomics tuesdays and thursdays.

Then its art and music wednesday nights. I might be changing some things around. Might change this to another art history, depending on if i like the teacher and class. Im not so thrilled that its a night.

     I really like this picture. These are the roses the man made that are being used as my eyes. Overall its a cool pic

Im on the left, Jen on the right.

This was a neat interesting chair they had right by the bay in the park. Pic of Jen

Not sure why its blurry. Picture of my cousin Molly,same age as me, with little Meghan.

Gary on left, Matt on right. This was Christmas eve

Pic of Jen. This is what we call our artistic photograph that has alot of  depth and meaning. The angle of the roses means something! And the zipped up sweater was used in effect to make it look like she was Kenny from South Park

 I LOVE THIS PICTURE!  jess drinking on New Years Eve. haha can the bottle be any bigger?

Me and Natalie on new years eve laughing about something. We were drunk

This is my drunk face,  I saw double of everyone.

oh yeah and i finally learned how to make my pictures smaller! isnt that wonderful???!

I never wear my hair down... and that little golden spec is my nose ring.   I miss it   NYE

OK, ive been on this computer long enough.

Love Lexy

oh, and I love these lyrics and the song from HIM.. they are soo deep and dark... and about love, like all of their lyrics. Most guys dont like this band, its always the girls. And as Dave would say... which is not cool by me or jess, that he would sing those lyrics to a gothic chick just so he could hook up with her. But I know, that thats not their intentions. I have the DVD, and Ville said that he writes about romance and love, and he formed this band because he loves music, not only to become famous and have chicks all over him.

Confusion writhes around our hearts impatiently
It drains the faith that lights the dark and sets us free
From the chains of our war and the pain we once called love
The poison of doubt enslaves our minds and we bleed
Until we love again
We pray to the serpent of delight desperately
The questions are answered and we try not to weep
Until we are sure we're suffering for love
In the dungeon of our dreams we are so weak
And the promise made to be broken still haunts our sleep
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