Dec 20, 2004 13:52
The holidays havent been stressing me out at work like they did last year which is cool. It must be because retail has been down this year. Oh and get this, on CNN they blame this problem on the high costs of gas! What a joke, right?! If I had to announce that to the public, I'd be embarrassed.
Yesterday I did nothing outdoors, since everyone around here is weird. Infact, the only friend I can think of that would do things outdoors would be Joe and his friends. And even still, he hasnt done any of that in a while. I think I am done with the mall for a long time. Yesterday I went to 3 malls. Town Center to return stuff (they had the firemen there who only wore their fire pants, and like 20 teenaged girls ran up to them and attacted them... haha it was funny) Boyton Beach mall with maria, where we went to some stores. I was telling her how I never go into Nativa anymore because the man that works there was hitting on me really bad and was really creepy. And she said that he did the same thing to her and her sister when she went in there. Hahha what a creep he is! And lastly, Erika and I drove down to Miami and we went to the Aventura Mall. This is the nicest mall Ive ever been to, its 3 stories tall and its huge. So Ive heard, alot of celebrities go to this mall. Erika and I were singing rap songs in the car on the way home and I was laughing so hard my stomach was killing me by the time I got back to her house. By then I was supposed to go hang out with Joe and pick up my camera but I was too tired, so I just went home and went to bed.
My plans for Christmas... Melissa and I want to do a Christmas party on Wednesday night. Im not sure if its just going to be close friends who know everyone, or a bunch of friends of our own, so everyone will meet new people, but it should be fun anyway. Im supposed to get my camera and stuff at Joes that night, so thats gonna wait.
Christmas eve im working from 8 fucking am to 4:30. So after that Im going to my Aunts house and my mom is cooking this huge awesome Christmas dinner. Im all excited about the dinner hahaha! Andd Mom said I am in charge of dessert. Well I bought my aunt and uncle a fondue pot so I figured I will just buy some chips of good chocolate, and pick up some strawberries and marshmellows and cookies and that will be dessert. And then they get to keep the pot. If there is nothing else going on, I will just sleep at my mothers house. And then Saturday morning we are opening presents. Then that evening Im going to my moms best friends house, Tina who is doing this Italian traditional christmas dinner with the fish and all that. Should be good. My mother AGAIN asked if I wanted to bring Joe since he is Italian.... and by then I was like No I cant, he isnt my boyfriend. I know if he never ended our relationship, things would be totally awesome. But i wont get into that....
<3 Lexy