Although, meh, I feel kind of icky. Was sick this a.m. and consequently postponed what should have been Christmas Tree Day with Mom. I'm beginning to think it's an inner ear thing rather than a stomach thing, though - the nausea is gone, but I still get kind of spinny and lightheaded when I go from lying down to sitting up or vice-versa.
Anyway, I kind of dropped off the face of the earth there, for a bit, but I'm still around - I just had a paid side work project that I put in some time on, in addition to knitting frantically, working on my Magi story and working on a Brumalia/Saturnalia ritual for the solstice. I've started watching Starsky & Hutch on Hulu during knitting time, about which I'll say more when I have more time.
Meanwhile, I got cookies! Woo! Two-step! Thank you so much to
geeklite sprat,
withdiamonds and
zillahseye for my virtual snowflake cookies!
In other holiday gift-y news, this is probably the last call for anyone who wants to get a holiday card this year - we're running out of time, I guess. Who wants a card? You know you want a card. I've mentioned in the previous posts about this that I am VERY BAD AT IT, but I'm trying again to send out some holiday cards this year. So If you'd like a seasonal holiday card, and you haven't already, leave an address in the comments
here at Dreamwidth or
here at LJ. If you've a specific holiday you'd like the card to focus on, add that - otherwise, it's a grab bag!
Comments are screened here and at those entries, to keep addresses private.