Lmaaaaoooooo I found iiiit! xD *dies*

May 14, 2009 23:04

When my friend was here, she had this hilarious song on her mobile phone which always cracked me up xDD
Just now while soaking in the bath I suddenly remembered it xD
And due to awesome YouTube I found it <333333 xD

image Click to view

*Loooool* That's so freaking awesome isn't it xDDDDD *dies*
And his accent is to die for! So cute ^o^ xDDD
Though taking in account that 'Babushka' actually means Grandma is a bit ...WTF? O_o*
Anyhow this song is amusing xDD Oh! *lol* and my granny ^^ Once we played it for her and she got totally crazy and started to dance xD It was adorable ^o^

Ok, so this was just meant to be a little evening amusement ;D
Oh and there's no need to worry, I'm still into J-Rock, everything's ok ;D *lol*

Wuuuhuuu it's Prison Break time! ^0^ *excited*
Good night guys! (^_^)v

Dumbai di dumbai da I go crazy Babushka dumabi di dumbai da...Hai! Hai!...dumbai di dumbai da...

babushka, video, lmao

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