[My reactions to the latest SV excuse for an episode. Thought I'd re-post outside my journal in case anyone else wanted a ranting space...]
Lana Lang = GOD? Please, KILL ME NOW.
Oh, right, okay. So Lana can go right ahead and use STOLEN MONEY to give herself a supersuit because she wants to PROTECT THE WORLD, but back when Lex was using his OWN resources to do the exact same thing by making a supersoldier THAT was evil? Oh, sorry, I was forgetting that, unlike Lex, Lana is mature and good enough to make that decision and take on the godlike powers, my bad... *fumes*
And you know what? How is that even good anyway? What's the message coming across here? The only way to make a difference in the world is to give yourself superpowers? WTF?!
And OMG the Lana worship was SICKENING.
Tess: I will forever be grateful to Lana for showing me the evil of Lex!
Soldier training guy: I only train soldiers but your beautiful doe-like eyes have won me over little girl, let me teach you to be strong and give up my steady, well-paid job to work for you even though we've only just met and I know nothing about you!
Chloe and Clark: wow Lana is so clever and amazing doing all this stuff behind our backs cos she knew if she tried to talk it through with us first we'd try and stop her!
Just NO. Her supposed awesomeness was WTF and out of nowhere enough in S06/7 but the idea she is strong enough to make it through those solder training tests is just STUPID. And the montage for that sucked too. It was too fast and with no signs of development - just 'oh you want me to hold my breath under freezing water and scold my arms lifting burning hot metal? ...sure, why not.' How's THAT supposed to have prepared her physically and mentally for superpowers? Just... ugh.
Seriously, Lana STILL has no character, she's just whatever suits at the time. S01 - 3: inofensive cheerleader and girl next door with hopes of living in the big city. Mild business capability seen in her running of the Talon, but no real ambition. Likes literature supposedly, although we only see here ONCE with a book that she doesn't even finish and hear her twitter over Lex's rendition of John Donne. S04: Innocent victim of witchy possession... um... no, that's it really that season huh? S05: student... again victim of possession, this time a vampire virus and... no, what else is going on with her? NOTHING. Other than a boring 'oh which guy do I love? *pout*' sub-plot. S06: SUDDENLY she's kick-ass and supporting kryptofreak experimentation, oh wait, she's NOT she's plotting against it and setting Lex up for her own murder involving the faking of her death - seriously, WHERE did the intelligence to do this come from? S07: occupied with REVENGE, and yet everyone still thinks she's perfect. Falls in love with a murderous alien, but everyone shrugs that off with an 'aw shucks, never mind!' Victim of Brainiac possession.
And now? S08: Superwoman with zen like knowledge and maturity.
The only consistancy is her ABILITY TO GET POSSESSED! i.e. her characterisation as a VICTIM. Nothing else follows on at all. You SUCK at character development SV! [edit: small consession - she does show ability to be strong when she's 'pushing through the pain' after her broken leg and learning kick-boxing with Lex. But you know what? People break legs all the time and go through the same thing! She showed NOTHING special with her recovery there. And LOADS of people master the basics of kick-boxing she did. That is NOT ENOUGH to allow her to go through soldier training in, what, LESS THAN A SUMMER? Whatever...]
And then the Clana had to come back ON TOP OF THE DAILY PLANET? Oh cos THAT doesn't pull the rug out from under the Clois or anything. I thought we were supposed to be moving on from the Clana not reaffirming it! Now the MAIN SUPERMAN PAIRING will mean little to nothing when it manifests. IF it does that is... *mutter grumble mutter*