siobhan_w, a very longtime clex fan, is slowly trying to re-enter fandom again, and whats better than re-watching older eps and seasons of Smallville, to get into the fannish moods :) She has been starting to talk about "Memoria" from Season 3,
It's all about Clark and Lex - there really is no room for anyone else in this episode and this ep gets me
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That's one reason, I guess, why it's so hard for me to understand Clark and to make excuses for him. Perhaps if I'd been watching all along, I'd 'get' him more. Perhaps I'd be able to cut him some slack. But I can't, and so it's hard for me to discuss him with people who still love him. I don't want to spoil their fun. I don't want to hurt their feelings and make them feel judged. I don't want to tell them they're wrong. I still feel that I'm in the wrong, that I'm missing something about him that makes people love him, and that I could never see, even when I was watching the show.
Before I came back to SV fandom, I was reading so much fan fiction in which Clark was this great, good, understanding heroic guy, and Lex had gone EVOL, and that's what I thought had happened on the show. To learn the truth was such a shock, and I still feel I was lied to by all those fan fiction writers. But I've done it myself, in my own stories, partly because I can't stand to write about the real SV Clark. I'd rather write AUs. But at least I make it clear they're AUs. :-)))
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