Mar 08, 2004 21:12
wow, long time no update. I handed out a lot of applications at the masonville mall. No call backs yet. SUCKS.
We had band practice with my bro saturday before last and that was very cool. Ryan didn't show up because he was with his girlfriend (ouch!). So this saturday he showed up and didn't do michael and I, after a long time of debating, decided to have Kris do vocals for the metalcore band (scarlet letter) and have Ryan do vocals for an acoustic band we're starting (Poets). So yea..I'm really excited to be in these 2 bands. Scarlet Letter will be brutal.
I went to another show with Michael friday before last. A couple of locals played...most of them being generic emocore. AH, it gets so annoying. I can only take so much.
Most precious Blood coming next week. I'm excited. Silverstein will also be playing..I'm not THAT much into them anymore but I will enjoy them. I just mainly excited to bring the mosh for MPB.
Nothing much has happened except for school and boredom. I'm failing 2 classes I think..I don't even remember...I'm failing science and some other one..I need to get my grades up.
I hung out with Lyle, Evelynn and then gang last weekend with Ryan and Michael. It was lots of fun. We got wendys, went to a music shop, got strings, looked at PAs and all of this other fun stuff. Then we chilled at Evelyns. Then a bit after pracitce on Saturday I hung out with the gang again at evelyns, freestyled (which reminds me a lot of my battles with Joe) and just chilled and talked.
April getting closer and closer. I'm excited for that. Joe finally told me that he WILL be coming..which is a relief. I didn't want him to miss out. Drew wont be coming anymore I found out..which kinda sucks. Hopefully everybody else WILL though.
I'm out though. I promise I'll update more.
ldotxmosh <--- join the community if you haven't already