Truth or consequence, say it aloud, use that evidence, race it around

Apr 21, 2010 16:44

Something interesting happened the other day.  I got a girl's number - very randomly too.  Now, this might not seem especially interesting to most people.  But it's made more significant by the fact that I have NEVER gotten a girl's number before.  This is seriously the first time that someone I don't know has just handed me a piece of paper with their name and phone number on it.  Ever.  But let's back up a little.

It happened while I was working at Cora's, of all places.  It was the weekend of the Junos, so there were a lot of people coming in from all over the country.  At one point during my shift I noticed a girl sitting in one of the other servers' sections.  I immediately knew that I recognized her from Sudbury.  Like, I was positive I had seen her around, many times.  But for the life of me, I couldn't remember where I knew her from or even what her name was.  When I pointed out to one of my coworkers (my manager, actually) that I recognized her from back home, he said I should go over and say hi.  I wasn't going to, but he made a good point when he asked how often I was randomly going to run into someone I knew from back home.  So I went over, guessed her name (incorrectly, of course - I realized afterwards that I had mixed her up with Sam Marcolini, as they look kinda similar) and said that I recognized her from Sudbury.  Turns out, her name's Danielle and she's actually from St. John's originally, though she had been in Sudbury.  So, feeling kinda foolish and awkward, I explained that I recognized her as someone from home and just wanted to say hi, and promptly excused myself to get back to work.  After that, I kind of felt like a tool and avoided that section of the restaurant.  So, how shocked was I when, on her way out of the restaurant, she handed me a little piece of paper ripped off from one of our placemats.  And sure enough, when I opened up the folded paper, there was her name and seven digits.  Suffice to say, it was a total surprise, and one that definitely put a smile on my face.  So for the rest of my shift, I was desperately trying to figure out how I knew her.  I looked up the name Danielle on Facebook and actually managed to find her by the display pic.  Turns out, the only friends we have in common are people I know from here in St. John's, not one from Sudbury.  She even went to Memorial University and has her current city listed as Mount Pearl (which is essentially a suburb of St. John's).  My only guess is that she was a regular at Zigs and I had seen her there a lot.

This happened on Sunday, and I've been pretty busy and preoccupied since then, between work and 4:20 celebrations.  But it's getting to the point where I really feel that I should call her.  I mean, she gave me her number, she obviously wants me to, right?  The thing is, I have no idea what to say.  I've never actually been in this sort of situation, and I'm not even sure why she did it.  It very well may be that she found me cute and charming and wants to go out sometime.  Or maybe she just figured that as someone new to the city, I might enjoy making a new friend, as we have something in common (i.e. Sudbury).  Obviously I can't know unless I call her, but as usual, I'm completely overthinking it and psyching myself out.  On somewhat of a side note, in overthinking all of this, I noticed something.  I'm generally most attracted to the strong, confident, intimidating girls.  And of course, I'm always too intimidated to do anything about it.  Go figure.

So yeah, I'm not necessarily writing all this to seek advice, though it's certainly always welcome.  More than anything, I think I just needed to stop thinking myself in circles and write this out, since that usually seems to help when I'm thinking things to death.

P.S. - Does anyone recognize the name Danielle Croke?  I'm still having trouble believing that she seems SO familiar and yet we don't know any of the same people.  I mean, Sudbury's really not that big, and even at Zigs, most people seem to know one another.
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