May 18, 2009 22:03
Last month I was telling my officemates that I can't remember the last movie I saw (in the cinemas), that it was probably either Dark Knight or Indiana Jones. They told me to go and watch a movie soon and that's just what I did -- 6 times. Hahah. Since May 8th, I have watched the ff:
X-Men Origin: Wolverine (2x)
Star Trek (3x)
Angels & Demons (1x)
I also have to take note that each of the 3 movies I watched first during their opening days. I guess I have really missed going to the movies. And I guess it's also a factor that it's perfect timing right now because we have all the anticipated summer blockbusters coming out week after week.
So to quickly review each of the 3, I'd have to say that I liked Star Trek best (every minute of it) and it made me watch Star Trek: TOS (aka the 60s show) on TV. Wolverine was fun but I'm kind of biased towards Marvel films. Angels and Demons was also amusing with all the architecture and mythology but I just felt the story was too simple (I haven't read the book btw). Ok, so the story was also simple for Wolverine but that was expected. Wolverine and Star Trek were supposed to deliver through the action and effects while Angels and Demons was supposed to give a thrilling and engaging storyline.
So anyway Star Trek not only made me watch TOS (see I know a little bit of Trekkie jargon now), it also made me watch Heroes again (ie. an alternate world where Spock is a serial killer) and anticipate the Lost finale more (which is produced by the Star Trek director).
So Heroes went all boring and predictable with Volume 4: Fugitives. It was predictable and boring up until episode 20, which I believe was the returning episode of Bryan Fuller (from Pushing Daisies). Seriously though, going from episode 19 to 20 is like going through a black hole and returning back to the Season 1 magic. It's like the writers suddenly had some ideas again.
And then there's Lost. Consistent since the end of season 3, the penultimate season wraps up with "The Incident" and although people have been complaining that it's such a cliffhanger ending, I thought it was the best way to end this season. It already gave away a lot by revealing "what lies beyond the statue". Sure it doesn't set the tone for the next season unlike the previous season finales, but at this point I have faith in the writers that the final season next year will give us what we want. Maybe not all the answers, because I this point I think I don't even want all the Lost mysteries to be explained, but I guess I'm just excited for a final season of good TV.
Finally there's my favorite reality show Survivor, which had its season 17th (or 18th?) season finale. This show is and has always been an addiction for me. I'm always at the edge of my seat when it's time for the jury vote. I really think this season picked up after the merge and remained entertaining till the end (with all of the Coach philosophies). One of the better seasons and probably up there with All Stars and Cook Islands (Australian Outback is still the best btw).
So now I'm just waiting for The Office season ender. Oh and there's also AI.