Mountains shall pass away and become like vapour

Jul 13, 2005 01:35

Hello again, everyone. My apologies in advance if some of this rambles or doesn't make much sense, I'm just in one of those kind of moods right now, I guess. Sometimes it seems like I'm incredibly busy, and yet I can't really say what it is that I've been so busy doing. I've been avoiding AIM and LJ recently, I guess I just haven't felt much like talking about anything. Summer classes are almost over (my lab final is next week), so that's good. My partner, although a cute Asian girl - a plus, wasn't very helpful and often left early or just didn't show up, so I've grown to dislike her a great deal. I seem to dislike people much more these days than I used to. I don't know what to make of that. I still have the organic chems to slug it out with, but I'll be able to start up the microbiology coursework at USF now.

Moving on. I talked to Emily a little bit tonight. That was nice, I've missed her. Too bad I never seem to have anything to say when I do talk to people, but what's new there? My classes at USF start up at the end of August, I'm already dreading it. The schedule isn't very convenient, and I'm less than enthusiastic about having a 45 some-odd minute bus ride twice a day to get there and back. I've heard a lot of things about Organic Chemistry, the horror stories about taking it at USF are discouraging to say the least. I'm a bright guy though, and if I can't handle this, I might as well rethink Med school while I'm at it. I don't need it for a career in genetic research, or even for genetic engineering, but it always seemed like a good idea. Speaking of Med school, I had the opportunity to shadow my physician around for a day, it was quite interesting. Saw a few different interesting cases, my favorite parts were probably getting to see patient X-rays and also observing a mole removal. There was a surprising amount of flowing blood involved. I should get a place to upload some pictures of me in my labcoat.

Saw Fantastic Four with the parents, wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. Also went and saw the Wizard of Oz at the Tampa Theatre with my dad, about damn time I saw such a classic, but I was a little disappointed. Unfortunately my membership there has lapsed, but I'll renew at the end of the summer for next year's summer classic series. The roleplaying group switched from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG back to Vampire: Dark Ages, that Old World of Darkness classic. I'm absolutely loving it, but I never really did like Buffy all that much. Currently we are playing a game set in 1210 between the Fourth and Fifth Crusades, and I'm playing a Knight Templar, Sir Thomas of Tripoli. Those who know me know my passion for history, and the crusades is one of my favorite periods (second only to the rise of the Roman Empire). Knightly Orders only make it that much better.

Finally, I've stumbled upon a new site that has re-lit some of that righteous (oh, yes, righteous I say!) political rage that I felt so long ago. Namely, "The Jesse Factor". There are some interesting coincidental similarities between us, most obviously in our name, second in the use of FOX News / Bill O'Reilly slogans, and third in our political hackery. The differences are every heartfelt belief we have. Now, I've re-written the sentence meant to go here about 15 times, and each time I either sound like a hypocrite, a lunatic, or just an asshole, so I'll leave it at that.

Now. On to the things I've been tagged with. Thanks a lot Dave, making me work.

1. Work. I'm just too damn lazy, thanks.
2. Being around my father all day.
3. Not understanding something, be it subject, person, or joke
4. Rush hour
5. That I have no musical talent - You too, eh Dave?
6. Worrying about being a hypocrite. And I do it all the time.
7. The fact that I'm so damn lazy
8. The parts of higher education that get in the way of actual learning
9. Politics.
10. Jesse from The Jesse Factor - Give me my damn name back.

1. Doing the right thing
2. Learning
3. Late-night dinners with friends. Nothing like 2am Steak n' Shake.
4. Chances to show off things I know. So sue me.
5. Having good friends to depend on
6. Rainstorms
7. Memories of my travels
8. Hawaiian shirts
9. Politics
10. Really good food
11. Getting up late, lounging around

Googling my name:

1. Jesse is so hottt and he is not gay. All my friends thinks the same thing.
2. Jesse is a petty tyrant, and everyone who works for him is afraid of him
3. Jesse is not phony. Jesse is just Jesse
4. Jesse is also the creator of The Gambler's Guide to the World
5. Jesse is surrounded by throngs of pretty faces - his devoted fans
6. jESSE is a listserv discussion group
7. Jesse is listed as one of the 20 Teens That Will Change The World
8. Jesse is smarter than you think. Watch how the republicans will react to this. This is a marketing ploy, and Jesse is doing it quite well.
9. Jesse is always the first one to want to take action, and it usually involves violence
10. Jesse is lying upon a couch; from his loins rises the stem of a tree (Ouch!)
11. Jesse is above all things, cunning, and he changes his attitude to suit the situation he's in
12. Jesse is a protector and likes to comfort others
13. Jesse is clearly partisan.
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