"You selfish asshole..."

Apr 16, 2005 01:09

The number one that that pisses me off to al most no end (just like everything else) would be being giving me labels. These stupid fuckin' labels that piss me off for their general definition. People give them to you like it's fuckin' water. As if you needed to be called something like that. "Oh, hey, thanks for calling me that. I love you now. Marry me." How 'bout this? Fuck you. And, you know what, fuck your family too. I, personally, hope they all go to hell if this isn't it al ready. I hope you and everyone else goes to hell. Hell, I hope I go to hell. Now that we're all happy, let's all die. Anyway, getting back on track here. The label that I'm going to be looking at right now is selfish. Selfish. Being called selfish. Is that not the most fuckin' hypocritical saying I have ever heard come out of the English language. Seriously. That word has hypocrite written all over it. And, you know what? If it doesn't, I'll write it there for you. People calling me selfish as if I do nothing for others. As if they're never selfish. Give. Me. A fuckin' break... "I'm not selfish. You are!" How 'bout I just kill you now? Save yourself from God. 'Cause you know what? He's not gonna like you for being such a dumbfuck. Because remember now. To be of religion and praying in God, you have to be apart of an elite group. Anyone else would just be shit on the ladder. Getting back on topic:


1. Concerned chiefly or only with oneself

There's the word. What this entire essay is going to be about. You see what it means? In short the definition would mean only being concerned for oneself. Doing things for him/her. Now, really, by definition everyone would be selfish. Yes, even you dumbfuck. The one who says: "Oh, I'm never selfish. I just like my hair." Yeah, bitch, you're selfish too. Everyone is selfish because everyone is doing things to only benefit themselves. Why do you buy a house? So You can live in it. Why do you buy clothes? So You can be clothed. Why do you get an education? So You can have an education. Right? Seems pretty selfish if you ask me. Going through an eighteen year education all for yourself. You wouldn't be selfish for doing that? Because, let's face it... Your parents and other tax payers are paying for your education while you're a minor. Seems pretty selfish right? Taking their money just so You can have an education for yourself. You know the shitty thing about that? All of you fuckers go around acting like your education is just some game. Failing out of school, getting drunk, smoking. Never trying or using it to your advantage. So, not only are you being selfish, you're wasting people's money. Selfish? Bratty? I would think so. "Oh, but it's just an education." I don't care. You're still being an ungrateful little bastard for doing that. You say I'm selfish like you aren't.

Let's use something that everyone does shall we? Just to further prove how selfish you idiots are. Because, remember. I'm selfish because I didn't do something once. Well, let's use socializing, shall we? We all talk right? It's all apart of our daily lives to speak to someone is it not? We'd go absolutely insane if we didn't talk to people. Literally, we'd go insane. Start having withdraws. Be bored. Oh wait... Hm... Be bored? So, you people get bored if you sit in your room all day right? "Yes... Damn. That'd be boring as hell if I be grounded." Exactly it would be (to you). So, you want to have fun right? "Yeah, get drunk. Not do homework. lol" Ah, I see how it is. So, you could basically say that all of you go out and talk to people because you wouldn't want to be bored right? "Well, yeah." So, you could basically say that you talk to people because you're selfish right? "No." Obviously you would say that. However, by definition you would be. You’re talking to people because you'd rather not be bored. You're talking to people for Your own selfish need. You feel like you need to talk to people. But, see... Who are you doing this for? Who are you talking for? You're not talking for someone else. You're talking for yourself, are you not? I would think so. I don't think we have the power to go into each other people's bodies and defy reality yet. So, you're doing it for yourself, right? "Well. No." Yeah, anyway, you're doing it for yourself. Now, you do this everyday. Do you not? You could basically say that an average person talks everyday right? "Yeah, I would assume so. What a loser if he wouldn't... No friends..." So, if you're talking everyday. And you're doing it only for yourself... Would you not be selfish everyday? I think you would. You talk everyday. Talking would equal being selfish. Meaning, you'd be selfish every. Damn. Day. Of your entire life. Just because you talk. You can now consider yourself, selfish.

Still don't believe me? "Nope." That's what I thought. So, we're going to use a different example. One that I'm most pissed off about. Helping people. This pisses me off to no end that people can't see the selfishness in helping others. "I do it for them. Duh..." Uh, yeah, ok... Fuck you. So, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to prove that you're selfish because you help people. People help people everyday. When you say, "Hi" to someone you're helping them. You're building their confidence, esteem, or ego. Which ever one you want to pick you're helping them. When you talk to someone you're helping them. You're helping them have a conversation with someone. Talk to someone. And, the more obvious helping; A shoulder to cry on or something such as that. You're helping them feel better about themselves. So, not matter what you're helping people everyday. The sickening thing about this is that you're doing it for your own damned pleasure. And don't give me that shit, "I'm trying to help the person. They need help." You know what? Fuck off. And just sign up for hell right now. They. Do. Not. Need. Help. First of all they would like help. Other than that you're only thinking they need help because you think it'll make them feel better. The thing that you don't realize is that it's not you that's helping them. They don't want it. Therefore, it's not going to help them. You persuaded them into thinking they need help. You. Think. They need help. You. That's so selfish it's really not even funny anymore. It's annoying. Anyway, helping people is selfish because you're helping them for your own self-dignification. Your own self-justification. You get a sense of good in your body when you help someone. "Hey, you know? I just helped that ol' lady over there. Feels kinda nice to help someone." Do you not see the selfish shining through? You did it to feel better about yourself. Yeah, you might have done it to help her. But you help people because you want to feel better about yourself. For your own self pride. It's pathetic really if you think about it. Going into people's lives just for your own selfishness. Pathetic...

Another big one that seems to be rather popular in high school. Social status. "Like, H'omg, he is such a nerd." Yeah, you all know I'm sure. It's the preps that are cool and it's the geeks that suck ass. I don't really care about that right now. It's so selfish to come up with this though. It's like a fuckin' elitist group of sluts... It's fuckin' pathetic people. Stop making labels. Stop justifying yourself through them. You make these labels so you can feel better about yourself. As if being a prep were cool. The shitty thing is you're going to realize one day how much of an idiot you were. Getting drunk everyday making fun of people you shouldn't have. Having the education of a fourth grader. That's fine if you want that, I guess... But damn... You accomplished a whole lot in life. Just to be selfish. So you could have your own damned label. Making money. People who are in different classes of society. Poor, rich, middle class. All for selfishness. To make the rich feel more elite than the others. Too make the poor feel shitty about themselves. It's fuckin' pathetic really...

Oh, and, yet another one. Greed. Does greed not take a whole lot of selfishness to have? With greed comes jealousy. People having more than you and you can't have that. You have to make other people suffer so you'll feel better about yourself. So you get everything and they have less. Yeah, can we say you're a brat now? I think we can. You're a brat. Everyone is greedy even if they aren't psychotic about it. Everyone wants money. Everyone wants things. Everyone. I highly doubt you could actually say that people don't want things. Not just material things either. We could be talking about love. Talking to other people. Getting hugged or kissed. I highly doubt you could come across someone such as that in your life time. If there was such a person out there you would never know about them. They wouldn't exist basically.

From day one you're taught to be selfish. You're taught how to do things for yourself. You're taught how to love people. How to walk. Basically, be a fuckin' asshole. Everyone that's selfish is one right? Would that not prove that everyone is an asshole? Kind of weird huh? Never would have thought if you never would have thought about it... Maybe people need to think more often? Maybe think for themselves? Be a little selfish in that category. Anyway, you're taught how to be someone. From day one. Would that not make the person that's doing so, a selfish person? Doing things to you because They Think they benefit you? Why does he do this for you? "Because it'll help you." I call bullshit. I think he does it to make himself feel better. So he can go home knowing he did something for someone. Would he not be doing it for himself then? So he can feel better about himself? You would've never thought someone could do such a thing. Be so selfish. So, you're taught how to be someone in school. Learning things that will "benefit" you in later years. Do you want to do these things? "No, of course not." Parents view: "Hon', you will want to do these things because it'll help you later on in life. You'll be glad that I did this for you." Is that not the stupidest bullshit you've heard from someone' ass? I, for one, think it is. That's total bullshit. You know why you're doing it for them? So you can feel better about yourself. So you know that your kid will be better off. That you didn't raise a disgrace for a kid. Are you not doing it for yourself then? I think so. And pisses me off. Especially when you go into the category of depression and suicide. "You NEEED TO GET HELP YOU ARE NOT OK." That spells selfish all over and I want to kill everyone that does that. NO. You do not need help. It is not going to make you better. You know why it makes them better? Because you made it so fucking bad that they feel disgraceful when they do so. They feel shitty when they do so. They feel bad about themselves when they do so. Making someone feel shitty for about themselves for your own selfish pride? Disgusting. You fucking pig... I think You're The One That NEEDS help. Stop going into other people's lives because You Think your way is better. It's sickening...

Anything you do. Anything and everything. Anything you do is for your own self-pride. For your own selfishness. You can't deny it anymore. If you do, you're denying the truth. You're denying what is right by your standards. You're saying that the dictionary would be proven false. See, the only problem with that is that you can break the entire dictionary down and prove it to be wrong. What about other reliable sources? Could they be possibly wrong? I don't know. That's for you to decide really... You're all selfish. When you call someone selfish. You're being selfish. You're being more selfish when you call someone selfish. You're being an obvious hypocrite. It's not funny anymore. It's disgusting how humans can be this way. So, the next time someone calls you selfish just say this: “Yeah? So?...”

But, hey? How could this be right? Remember? You were only trying to help the other person. How could you be selfish for doing that?
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