I had to post and reformat this twice because Dreamwidth hates me, so I hope it came out ok.
Title: Come clean, come good -
http://hestia8.livejournal.com/619975.html#cutid1Summary: repeat with me the punch line 'Just like blood' (title and summary from I Say, I Say, I Say by Simon Armitage)
Rating: Teen
Wordcount: 3847
Warnings: none
Genre: AU
Characters/Pairing: Lewis, Hathaway, couple of OCs
Prompt No. 44
Along the lines of the slave!AUs, where are all the vampire!AUs? I would love to see either of the boys as the vampire, where vampires are known or unknown.
maekala Notes: (NB the prompt was slash but I missed this the first time round so technically it’s pre-slash)
Mostly avoids canon references as trying to work out how it would fit with James being a vampire was a pain.
Thanks again to
seiyaharris for the beta :D