Title: The Key that Opens is the Key that Rusts
Writer: Niki
Disclaimer: Colin Dexter and ITV own the actual characters; Aisha, Clem and Gleed belong to my subconscious mind; the rest are my fault.
Characters: Lewis, Hathaway, Hobson, Innocent, original characters (pre-slash Lewis/Hathaway if you have your slash goggles on;)
Genre: Case fic
Rating: NC-17 for the subject matter
lygtemanden (Contestant for the Fastest Beta Ever award!)
Warnings: Contains non-graphic references to rape and murder of children.
Wordcount: 8571
Notes: I had been looking for a story that could link Morse and Lewis, maybe a case spanning decades. Then I had a dream, which was this story, and it was coherent and made sense even after waking up! I couldn't wait to write it down. It honestly took me hours to realise how grisly and horrible the whole thing was and to think about what a messed up thing it was to dream about.
In the end, I didn't want to write a story about Morse failing to solve a case so it ended up having less and less to do with him.
Summary: A case that Morse and Lewis never actually worked on resurfaces, and Lewis and Hathaway must solve it.
On LJ On AO3