Lewis Secret Winter Exchange 2017 Sign-Up Post

Dec 16, 2017 12:32


Before signing-up, please make sure you have read the Lewis Secret Winter Exchange Q&A first.

To sign-up, email us with the below information. We will email you back to acknowledge your entry.


***PLEASE EMAIL YOUR ENTRY TO lewismod@hotmail.co.uk****
Email: Let us know if you want us to use an alternative email to the one you're sending your entry from.

I would like to receive: Please provide as much detail and options as possible here about what type of Secret Exchange gift you would like to receive. For example, characters, pairings, genres, types of fanwork, any specific prompts etc. See below for 'good' and 'bad' examples of how to fill out this bit.

I would NOT like to receive: Please provide details here about what you would NOT want to receive, for example any squicks or pairings you don't like. See below for 'good' and 'bad' examples of how to fill out this bit.

I am willing to create: Please provide as much detail and options as possible here about what type of Secret Exchange gift you are willing to create. For example, characters, pairings, genres, types of fanwork, any specific prompts etc. See below for 'good' and 'bad' examples of how to fill out this bit.

I will NOT create: Please provide details here about what you will NOT create, for example any squicks, pairings you don't like, or other limitations. See below for 'good' and 'bad' examples of how to fill out this bit.

Are you willing to act as a pinch-hitter? I.e. are you willing to step in to create an additional fanwork if someone has to drop out of the Exchange? We're hoping that all participants will receive something so you can help make this happen.


Providing details of what you want to and don't want to receive:

Don't be too vague or too narrow in your requests. Provide as much options as you can. If you say 'I would like some fic, anything is fine' then you are forfeiting the right to complain if you happen to receive a fic with e.g. a theme or pairing you don't like.

Good examples:
I would like fic, Lewis/Hobson if at all possible but Gen is also good. I like romance, humour and happy endings. Case fic would also be awesome. I really love the 'pretending to be married' cliche so would be over the moon if you can incorporate it. I'm also happy with any graphics or e.g. a fanmix, again Lewis/Hobson preferred, but Gen ones are also great. I like classical music and colours green and blue so something with those would be cool.

I'm not too keen on m/m or f/f slash so not that please. I don't like heavy kink or graphic violence (some violence is okay, like if you have a murder in the case fic, but not too many details please). I don't really get videos so wouldn't know how to appreciate it. Oh, and I hate techno music so none of that on fanmix please.

Bad examples:
Too vague: I want some art/Fic please/Slash only/Anything goes (you can put this last option but must be prepared to accept literally anything then).

Too dictatorial: I would like a fic where Lewis and Hathaway live on the moon and adopt space monkeys and then there's civil war and it should all provide some in-depth social commentary about the nature of power and democracy.

Providing details of what you are willing and not willing to create.

Good examples:
I'm willing to write fic, can write Gen or Slash (Lewis/Hathaway preferred but guess I could try my hand at femslash too...). I'm particularly good at angst and darker stuff, can do most kinks. Other fanworks I can create include fanmixes and icons.

I don't want to write het. Not very good at fluff or happy fics. I'm bad at creating original characters. I can't do videos and my graphic skills aren't great so I wouldn't want to try any larger graphics.

Bad examples:
Too vague: I'll write some fic/Het preferred/Anything goes (you can put this last option but must be prepared to receive a request of literally anything then)

Too dictatorial: I've been planning on this oil painting of naked James so I'll do that/I hate everyone except Lewis so I'm only going to write fic about him.


We hope this is clear enough. If not and you have any questions, please ask them HERE


exchange: winter 2017, admin: sign-ups

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