Feb 04, 2010 18:10
Recently, I've been thinking about the proposed internet filter that the Australian federal government has in the works. Instead of the millions of tax payer dollars that will be spent on a completely ineffective method of policing the internet, why doesn't the government simply put that money towards education, and extra financial aid for the Australian Federal Police task force, and future task forces to infiltrate and destroy pedophile rings?
To me, this seems like a much more intelligent idea. As for the other items that they wish to filter, technically, most of it counts as free speech and freedom of information. Sure, some sites, that teach people how to make explosives or other such items should be filtered, or at the very least have ISPs create a waiting period to access these sites, and report any access of them to the AFP without the details of who accessed them, but not by forcing Australia's ISPs to filter whatever else the government decides should be filtered due to their one sided almost zealous views of what Australia should be, and should have access to.
Most of you who will actually take the time to read this know that I'm in favour of a complete seperation of state, which currently, Australia does not have. We have a prime minister who is very religious, and politicians who will enact laws based off religious belief, rather than common sense or actual morality, not christian morality that the government wishes to impose on everyone within the country.
Child protection is the party line for any such thing. Protection of children from violent imagery, from pedophiles, from sex in general. However, the problem is, to see any of this, all you need to do is go see a movie, or turn on a tv. A lot of the time, in large cities, all you have to do is look up at a billboard, or walk through a less desirable part of town. You'll see most of these things going on if you look close enough.
As i said earlier, it's time for the government to work more on policing and education, the effective means of targetting these kinds of things, rather than putting their fingers in their ears and closing their eyes.
internet filter,
australian government