Apr 02, 2005 08:31
Bought a new hamster yesterday. This beautiful little white fuzzball. It was the runt of a very big litter and when we bought it it schreeched like a wee banshee all the way home. It didnt shutup until we put it in its cage. It was a few hours later when emma notcied that not only was it the runt of the litter but it only had three legs! Poor thing. I was wondering why it couldnt climb very well! Ach well it just makes me love it sooo muc hmore. Its now mine adn emmas "Special Wee Boy". Ill post a picture as soon as i get one :) Named it Largo after a character in the megatokyo comics (anyone read them?) If not and are intesrested the website is www.megatokyo.com. Avoid the forums though because when i say hostile? I mean fucking hostile.
(p.s I reckon i should have got a 25% discount to be honest with you)