Dec 28, 2008 10:40
*gets beat up by everyone*
Yeah, you heard(read; for you grammar nazis out there, whatever) me correct.
I dunno what's wrong with me, or is anything wrong at all. I could chalk it down to just plain bad timing of the urge to post my thoughts. So down. eh. whatever.
Finally got to get a torrent client that works! yaha! (yes, I am computer illiterate. D: )
Plus I <3 my macbook, but that dosent stop me form coveting the new macbook pro. D:
And D700. and 50mm 1.4 + 13mm 5.6 D:
Yes, I want lots of stuff. LOTS of stuff. D:
Anyway,I need to get back to what I do best, procrastinating Studies, writing, post processing and reviews. XP
PS, I want a life size working Core Striker Max & Rescue Max. >w<