This -con- has been characterized by an equal amount of great fun and several levels of drama, so I've been pretty much moody before, after, and during this week ^ ^;
but well, whatever, fear is my life! I don't have the energies to upload all the photos I posted on Anaco's forum 'cause I forget to keep the right linkage for them to post here.. LOL, I suck...XD just:
Kit-Shaoran going all gay for MacroPlushIchigo & Ayumi-Saber adding a little het touch and Vampy too.. ..but also with my help... he's back with the love of his life!! myself as Seth (I forget her cellphone at kit's place, I suckX2 ^_______^;;;)
Also the team competition of saturday - Cosplay senza Frontiere -was incredibly cool!
next year I want absolutely to be in it!! *^_^*
back home, the good is that my cousin graduated succesfully yesterday - YAY!
the bad is that the same day, my granny bumped her head in the wall, nothing serious but she scared us to no end -.-''
I wonder how'd I survive if it keeps on going like this ^_^'''