(no subject)

Oct 14, 2010 12:23


because, that's a big limit of mine, once I start a picture and lose it when I'm halfaway in the realization, I can't do it again unless I'm obliged to.
° °;

Allora, è ufficiale. Devo fare una presentazione per la fine del dottorato il 16/12 e la consegna della tesi è il 30/01... il che significa che ho un mese e mezzo in più di quanto pensavo per scriverla e finalmente qualche dato dignitoso. Happydance? happydance, direi.
Non chiedetemi cosa ne sarà della mia vita dopo perchè sono la prima a non saperlo, diciamo che ho delle idee più che delle prospettive, ma ogni cosa a suo tempo. Spero davvero di riuscire a smuovermi dall'empasse in cui la mia vita ha vagolato per gli ultimi nove mesi più o meno, e voglio essere convinta di potercela fare, nonostante tutto.

So that means I'm not gonna face the living hell I supposed November and December wpuld have been. :3
I have a lot of spare time in these days since experiments are slow and knowing I have more time for it made me stupidly procrastinate the writing. So.. I was trying to make good (?) use of it and do the fan-things -mostly drawings - that work/celebrations and such forced me to abandon in the last monts.. and that's when I realize I've lost track of a lot of drawings and of a fic at least. *HEADDESK*

that's bad bad bad bad...........

Among the many things I like to dorky-do in my spare time that's jewel crafting - for cosplay purpose mostly. So one day I had nothing better to do I decide to craft the fugly necklace made of the ring's energy Kyle gave Donna as a sign of his undying love when they were together - and that probably got dissolved soon as an icecream in august because that man's heart is just that weak - and his power ring.

Whatever...! last week my darling Kitty came to my place and we took a couple of dorky photos with those. My attic was a good setting since it's full of my mom's and mine art goodies and such. Plus, Kitty makes a lovely Donna. I make a shitty Kyle, otherwise (lololfemaleblondehairandall) so all you'd see of me here is my right hand! XD


Payed commissions:

- Pete/Christine from her fic for Liz
- The Baseballs on a couch, The Baseballs with a flipper and Perseo/Medusa from her story for ino

People's free requests & trades:

- those I still haven't done from last year Valentine's meme (pessima me) (Half of them are sketched an M.I.A)
- Iolande and her OC baby for Pax from GLC board (half done, M.I.A)
- His Ocs - monk and squid - fighiting Laira for Morts00n from GLC board
- Roy sleping in boxers & Roy, Sooraya and Lian on the couch for Jude
- Kyle/Donna/Jenny per il claim di settenote - non sono stata ispirata, non se ne merita una figuriamoci ambedue.....
- another Allan/Mari for Linda and Nami
- Renji/Rukia, smooking on the roof - for Sara
- Kyle/Donna, that necklace is FUGLY - for Tati
- a Harley/Eddie pic for danssslemetro's fic - that is, sadly, nearly finished AND M.I.A.

- More Dinah/Ollie to spite her fans that always bash Ollie.
- More Mia/Jason because their fandom is super-nice
- More happy stuff, in general..! \0/
- More of my many AUs(Lovvo included) because that's just so much in my head I haven't put on paper already. Leonor/Slade is my deepest regret... ° °
- Some Please Save My Earth - and eventually Sailor Moon - stuff, since I'm kind of having a fit of nostalgia. Preferably happy things!

real life suckage, nuovi modi per salvare il mondo, lab stuff, fanart

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