So, today was much more of a better day... last night I ranted for a while with mummy about work and she was all worried, ouch, I really hate to make people worry for me... but now I'm better XD;
Dinner with friends was good as well, even if we were serving at tables we had fun with a book a friend of mine has bough about 2012, and elaborate a plan to stop the end of the world: pointing a torch to the shadow of the Snake God to break the silouhette and stop its descent!! * *
and then Camilla would became World Goddess - she said so, and we said 'oh well, do what you want as long as you give us booze..=__=!'
Leaving aside our retarded ways to save the world, I wanna pimp something that Red_Squiller pimped to me,
extra illustrations for last Code Geass DVD that left me all fuzzy and nostalgic and awww inside... it's nearly a year it's over I can believe it's this long already... <3
I lolled especially at the marriage picture since I've drawn
Cornelia taking the boquet already.. OH-OH fandom clairvoyance..! XP
In short, the whole gallery made me giggle like an idiot <333
have some mutants and some very scattered pics I've managed to paint in this very scattered month... and stay well my dears! :*