I think I'll hold all things glittering in a far way higher consideration from now on. No, really.
...and while I'm super happy for Saji and Louise, I'd have never expected to be this affected by T-chan's... I saw this coming such a long time ago and still... I even sniffed a bit, and it's not tha common for me.
This contrasting emotions are driving me schizo - but, unlike Kit, I can't cure myself with alchool, so yeah, I don't know what to do if not getting mad at my scissors....! @.@
and I think I'll never, ever stay online lurking A-suki and Lj while something is airing because it's a torture........!
Scissors. Functioning scissors are vital in any situation. Any.
Tick, lent me one pliiiz, I don't mind the blooood.. agagahahHHHH!
I'm in such a need of an holiday, people....!