So I gave it til Wednesday but I'm going to go ahead and put up voting for Round 002 today. Just be a tad patient and I'll have it up as soon as I can. I also have to work on my other 20in20 community today too... (shameless pimping!
inception20in20 ) so it will probably be sometime this afternoon that you see the posts.
The formatting will be a little different than what was used for Round 001, but the end result is the same.
Also, Round 003 signups should be going up today as well. I don't really know when they will close, since I'm still looking for a baseline here.
Here's something I noticed, and want to bring it up to you all as a community before just changing a ton on everyone.
How opposed are you to the idea of structure, time tables and specificity? Meaning: a standard set of rules and what you can and can not submit, a visible time table - so you know when sign ups start, when the rounds end etc etc, and overall more specific reference information plus a page-a-mod system.
I know a lot of this is standard procedure at other comms, but I want to double triple check that everyone is kosher with it before setting these things in motion. If you need some examples, (again more shameless pimping), check
this and
this out.
Poll Specificity