Things just keep looking UP and UP!!!

Aug 03, 2009 23:01

today was amazing!
i am working in a hospital-
it feels like the 1st day of the rest of my life.
walking down the hospital hallways
providing much care
its what i want to do
its who i want to be
i want patients to be able to count on me
and i want to make such a difference
in many O lives helping people that aren't well
i want to try my very best to be a joyful worker too. :)
so far everything is going well
took computer training
got a tb test shot
had a tenderlion alone like
effing steven glansberg lolz (alone)
learned all about IV's and took more tests
ran into barfield
went to kroger
came home chopped onion for sloppy joes
did the wii fit with my ma
i am losing weight !
my goal says i need to lose 2.2 lbs by friday
i don't think it will happen!
eli dalton and i watched the princess bride movie
now im in my room
enjoying all the happiness of the day
/ happy birthday derek /

Ooh this could be messy
But you don't seem to mind
Ooh don't go telling everybody
And overlook this supposed crime

5 am will come so early
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