Oct 01, 2010 09:37
wow for some retardedly isane reason my internet is working fine right now, on a friday morning, ocboter da frist. i want some oatmeal and toast and coffee and all of those are waiting for their preperation by me of my downstairs. im excited about tonight because its beer and a movie night, and i think im going to rent fire walk with me, a prequel to the twin peaks series that came out in like '92, coincidentally coinciding with the la riots and wildfires, oh ive been reading this book called ecology of fear:(subtitle) los angeles and the imagination of disaster, and basically it talks about how we're all gonna fucking die because, to quote the back cover, " earthquakes. wildfires. floods. drought. tornadoes. snakes in the sea, mountain lions, and a plague of bees. in this controversial tour de force of scholarship, unsparing vision, and inspired writing, mike davis....revisits lost angeles as a Book of the Apocalypse theme park....With savagely entertaining wit and compassionate rage, this book conducts a devastating reconnaissance of our all-too-likely urban future." oh god it makes me so happy. we are living in 'Book of the Apocalypse theme park. maynard is right, we're all gonna fucking die and be swallowed into the earth and burn forever in agony. serves us right for building all this bullshit city over the beautiful wildlife that used to be here. i hate this city, i was telling my mom about it yesterday, and i was asking her if she thought video games were really weird for her to watch, cause if i was like raised in the sixties, i'd think video games were sooooo weiiird. oh so back to our imminent and violent destruction. it makes me happy, not because all the people i like will die, but because all the people i dont like will die, even though im sure if i got to know everyone in los angeles i'd reciprocate some kind of meaningful interaction and leave with a sense that every person is alive and struggling against the current, but i mean, i dont. so fuck all those bitches that dont know what the fuck to do at stop signs. well, except for me, when im stoned, because thats excusable. annnd oh yeah i think this is dedicated to kevni iwesmna. so yeah all you fuckfaces who drive escalades like jojo's friend can go to hell and hope to survive the apocalypse and live off rat tacos and soiled drinking water, and then get venereal diseases, and hopefully there will be ninja-pirate biker gangs who control the food supply and fight off the evil united states government when they try to send in the national guard to restore order to ' that fucking shithole of la', as i was telling andrew the other day, you know why they call it LA? because its LAme!, yes yes your going to say 'well then why dont you move the fuck out of here and stop dissin' my city, bitch?'
well i say to that, honestly, its comfortable, i like my carls junior, i like driving my moms car around, i like all the good people i've met over the years, i like the convenience, i savor the depressing fact that everywhere i look i see architectural ugliness, a kind of sweet melancholy that only fat people like me can appreciate. hmm, well thats not, dont take anything too seriosuly, ive had enough of this bullshit for one day, im sure no one will read most of this, i dont really care, i need a place to vent, my mom once told me i should get a journal, and i never did, oh wait actually i did but i filled it with weird poems and ramble/narratives and drawings i did when i was stoned, oh that reminds me i had a project to scan it all and make a book out of it or a website or something that would be cool.
oh yeah and i read like three books in the past week i feel really accomplished although im pretty behind on my math homework but i understand the concepts so i guess its ok, and ummm.. oh yeah. kilgore trout:
the thing was that earth was the only place in the whole known universe where language was used. it was a unique earthling invention. everybody else used mental telepathy, so earthlings could get pretty good jobs as language teachers just about anywhere they went. the reason creatures wanted to use language instead of mental telepathy was that they found out they could get so much more done with language. language made them so much more active. mental telepathy, with everybody constantly telling everybody everything, produced a sort of generalized indifference to all information. But language, with its slow, narow meanings, made it possible to think about one thing at a time--to start thinking in terms of projects.
ah yes, oatmeal and coffee..and apparently i have something to do with all the uniconrs dying out, oh well, they were horny bastards anyways. [see previous entry]