twenty-second WAVE//

Sep 29, 2006 14:17

I can't believe I spent so long with you lot... I didn't know. I didn't understand.

But now, I clearly see.

I denounce all that I was, in hopes of joining the path that I so long for. I'm tired.

Fed up with men who don't take action, tired of the pansies that continually think I shall continue to come back to them with that sickeningly sweet smile, subservient as always. No. I shall only serve him from now on.

For he has a goal, an aim. Not some wishy-washy do-gooder dream like the rest of you lot. He seeks to gain power, which, after all, is all there is to the world.

Love means nothing. It's always fake. To be "loved" means you will eventually be thrown aside, once the other person realizes how little worth love actually is, how fleeting it can be.

I shall not be the one who is thrown away.


[ooc; Opposite day for Hermione~ however, some of her insecurities remain true even though her views of those around her have changed. The 'him' to which she refers is Voldemort, since her greatest enemy is now who she believes to be her ally.]
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