I don't usually read superhero comics, but
cris_san got me into the Young Avengers years ago and has made sure I stay updated. I recently finished Children's Crusade and was happy to read more about them after so long. Too many Marvel people got invited to the party for me to keep track inside the story, but it is always more pleasant to focus on the youngsters.
Me encantó seguir las aventuras de los jóvenes vengadores, sobre todo Billy y Teddy, aunque a veces sintiera que los grupos de superhéroes hacían cameos en bloque al estilo de "allí me colé y en tu fiesta me planté, hostias para todos y nada de comer". ¡Gracias, Cris, por ayudarme a mantener el vicio! :D
GLEE. I found the end of Season 3 too self-complacent, and was more excited about those who stay than sad for those who graduated. I wish they'd leave for good, but I wonder if they'll stay around for cameos and special guest appearances. Please, no. Glee needs to refresh itself. Can't wait for The Glee Project next June.
My favorite songs in S3:
1. Starships by Unique and Vocal Adrenaline.
2. Glad You Came by that jerk Sebastian and the Worblers.
3. Stereo Hearts by... um... Samuel and the Valentine gang.
This says a lot about how sick I am of the original cast.