Almost TWENTY YEARS LATER, I finished King's Quest 2! Ya-ha!

Nov 05, 2009 12:10

Cried the shrouded ghoul, tired of irresponsible youth killing the vegetation and poisoning the lake around Count Dracula's castle every Halloween.

Actually, he says nothing. But I'm sure he's thinking just that.

That scene represents a hister... historical moment in my life: I could finally cross the lake and finish the game I could barely advance in when I was 9-10 years old because:

1. It's a game that functions on typed commands and my level of English at the time wasn't enough to even type "swim" to prevent Graham from drowning.
2. There was no Internet or guidebook to guide me through the difficult steps. And there is a bridge that can be crossed ONLY a certain number of times or else you are stuck and must start ALL OVER AGAIN.
3. Hence, I despaired and gave up the quest.

BUT NOW! Thanks to the Internet and my AWESOME King's Quest Companion guidebook-waltkthrough for games 1 to 5, I can finally play ALL THE OLD KING'S QUEST. In teenage years, I finished 5, 6 and 7. Now I have played and finished 1 and 2. Two more to go!

Random WTF!? Moment


The Road to Count Dracula's Castle (and the undead himself!)

::Insert Michael Jackson's Thriller TUNE:: I kid you not.

::Insert Beethoven's 5th Symphony TUNE::

OK, you can't see it because I had to do it quickly before he turned into a bat and escaped and later I was lazy to restore.
But the thing is that King Graham has killed Dracula, right? Remember that.

The Ending Sequence and Wedding

You find the girl in the tower (there is usually one) and type "Kiss her". You've completed the game. This is what happens next.


And no fairy tale is complete without a wedding! (the crowning of the hero had taken place in the previous installment).

Now take a look at the wedding guests:

The list includes the supporting characters, monsters AND villains from both adventures!

Does he have no friends of his own!? Little wonder he had to go into such a quest to find a BRIDE!
No suitable friends to go on a gou-kon with!

But that is not all:

There is an option not to kill Dracula at his castle, letting him escape as a bat, so it can be explained as a single-ending sequence regardless of your choices (unlike in KQ6, for instance, where your actions determine the number of guests at the wedding, so your laziness can make the couple stand there almost alone, with only the priest and a clown!)

BUT the old king died at the end of KQ1 after Sir Graham completed the quest for him, leaving you the crown. It happens inevitably. What's that, a zombie!? Thriller, revisited!?
Y qué manera tan garbosa tiene el viejo rey de estirar la pata LITERALMENTE y con rebote pernero delante de tus narices. Me hizo soltar una carcajada. Estos píxeles tienen un estilazo...

Anyway, happy ending! So why does Graham look so sickly YELLOW!? He's looked like that all along, alright, but now that you can see him in contrast to the bride and the other characters, except for the troll and the sick granny...

Perhaps he's regretting THAT choice already?

Aaaah, old games... good stuff, good stuff!

crack, catching up with my childhood, king's quest, videogames

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